• students learn and study english in dublin ireland.
    ULearn へようこそ







ULearn English School Dublinへようこそ!1988年の開校以来、フレンドリーで温かなサービスで多くの生徒の英語学習を支えてきました。四季折々の花々が美しい、セントスティーブンズグリーンそばの校舎で学ぶ英語は一生の思い出に残る経験となるはずです。経験豊富で教育資格を持った講師陣とULearnの英語コースは効果的に英語能力を上達させ、生徒が求めるものや目標に向けて全力でサポートをいたします。


支えてくれました :)




ULearn English School Dublinへのお問い合わせ

アイルランド、ダブリン、英語学習、コース… ご不明な点や、さらに知りたい情報などなんでもございましたらお気軽にお問合せください。アイルランド、ダブリンを代表する語学学校、ULearnで一生に残る最高の英語学習を体験しましょう!

Student Stories

  • Testimonial

    Diego's Story

    "My 6 months of course at ULearn is already finished but u know I will remember everything that I've learned there.

    It's not just about learning English is about discovering yourself passing through away up and downs.

    Guys I'm gonna miss you so much and I just want to say thank you for everyone that I met here."

    Diego Kian

    Instagram Logo Follow Diego: @diego_rique

  • Testimonial

    Vikki's Story

    "The Best! Best! Best! It’s a really AMAZING school!

    My English improved from B1 to C1 in 6 months! It’s incredible progress for me!

    - Caol: the best English teacher I’ve ever seen!!!
    - Erika: very kind, helpful, friendly and positive person! I visited many wonderful places around Dublin because of Erika!
    - Andre: Help you with any issues!
    - Paul: Every school should have such an organized, responsive and kind Director of Studies!
    This is my last week in the school and I really want to cry!
    Highly recommend this school!!"

    Vikki Orlova

  • Testimonial

    Francesco's Story

    "Guys - five stars from Italy! You really are a great school. Thanks so much for everything :)

    Francesco Neri

  • Testimonial

    Diana's Story

    "ULearn English School in Dublin has been a life-changing experience for me.
    As a Mexican student, I found the classes incredibly engaging and the teachers always supportive.
    Beyond learning English, I made amazing friends from all over the world and discovered new things about myself.
    The school social activies added so much fun and helped me practice English naturally.

    I'll always remember my time at ULearn — unforgettable! Thanks :)"

    Diana Gutierrez

    Instagram Logo Follow Diana: @diana_gutierrez08

  • Testimonial

    Andrea's Story

    "Great experience, great teachers (very professional) and a friendly atmosphere.
    I surely suggest ULearn School. :)

    Andrea Atzeni

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  • Testimonial

    Antonio's Story

    "I’m a Vocational School teacher in Spain, and I had the opportunity to attend ULearn
    for a few days back in May with a group of my students. The experience was really positive, so I decided to repeat the experience this summer and take a 5-week course.

    The quality of education I received was exceptional.

    I'm truly grateful to the management of the school - they went above and beyond.
    Overall, my five weeks at ULearn was a transformative experience. I've not only improved my English language skills but made lasting connections with teachers, classmates & staff. Thanks!!"

    Antonio Cardenas Sancho

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  • Natsumi Testimonial

    Natsumi's Story

    "This is a wonderful place. I learned a lot.Thanks so much!!"

    Natsumi Nakamuru

  • Testimonial

    Julie's Story

    "My son, 17, spent 14 weeks at ulearn. It's a great school with very good support. He learned really well. He went from B1 to B2. He has a very good level now. He made friends from all over the world.
    Choosing a school is a gamble. We are delighted with our choice."

    Julie Charles

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  • Maiko Testimonial

    Maiko's Story

    "I studied here from September to November 2024 and had a lovely time improving my English. I met the best teachers I’ve ever had - David & Caol. By following their methods I was able to pass my progress test , thanks to their teaching. Even after graduation, they continue to support me a lot, not only with studying English but also with living and working in Ireland, everything. Paul, the amazing manager, always listened to me, helped me, and even corrected my English. Three months wasn’t enough - every class was so enjoyable! I spent a lot of time deciding which school to choose before coming to Ireland from Japan, and I am truly happy that I chose this school. I will definitely come back here. Thanks a million, ULearn! "

    Maiko Yamaguchi